One-Sentence Johnnies and Instagram Psychopaths:
A Second Editorial
By Mark Slade
I don’t usually do these, if at all. Mostly because Chauncey does a great job with them, and also, I’m not that great at writing editorials.
I’ll try to be brief. I know this is a Christmas issue. I don’t want to bring negativity into peoples’ worlds, but I feel this is important to say.
When we decided to do a magazine and a publishing house, the three of us ecstatically voiced that one of the main reasons for this venture was to help like-minded artists and writers get their stuff out there. Build a community. Help us help you, and vice versa.
As we’ve noticed throughout the five years that we’ve been doing this, there are a lot of selfish people out there. Twice that many who arrogantly believe that they are “the shit” or “all that and a bag of chips,” or whatever the fuck wordage you want to describe the flaw.
We’ve encountered some big names in their crafts. Most are humble. Proud of their work. And then there are some in the opposite direction, with so much ego that they make you want to reach inside the computer and punch them in the nose.
Quite a bit of it is my fault for being too anxious or too ready to help out.
Regardless, this rant is more about the failures (perceived or real) involved in starting a community. For the most part, we have a community. More creative people might be glancing at our publications than those who are regular readers.
It’s hard not to see the dream of a such a community to be a fantasy when the ME aspect of artists and writers, who only care about themselves, is thrust in your face.
Their line of thought is: Fuck a community. I’m more important.
When I say artists, I mean all the arts, not just people who draw, paint, etc.
Then there’s the problem with certain writers who believe they are “Big Name Writers.” They promise, and promise, and promise. And a year later, still promise things, only to back out, leaving us underlings hanging. “You understand,” they say. “It’s a bit hectic for a person like me.”
Sure. We understand. The little people. The ones who have jobs, families, sweat over details so small, so trivial, we don’t want this project to look bad on the “Big name.” We understand you sit at your computer all day, typing one sentence and dreaming that your book/project will win the Oscar/Newbery book prize. One-Sentence Johnny can’t be bothered to help a community.
He’s thinking: Fuck a community. I’m more important.
What gives me hope is that isn’t always the case. Big names such as Joe Lansdale and Jack Dann have always been encouraging, and offer any help possible. Almost like elder brothers or uncles providing advice, encouragement, and works for us.
I’ve also come across an alarming amount of sociopaths online. That is terrifying and strange. I think I’ll stay away from that subject just in case I find a dead rabbit or a human head in my refrigerator. Some of you know who you are, and good luck on Instagram promoting your photos just like thousands of others.
I’ve realized that too could be more my fault. No good deed goes unpunished, as the saying goes.
As a matter of fact, I’m going to be more careful who I bring into the fold. Any community one cares about needs to be protected and fostered. This community needs no sociopaths or egotistical artsy-fartsy Gods at the supper table.
By the way, if you are not sure you want to be a part of the projects we are working on, just say no, thank you. It’s okay to say that.
If you do want to join us contact us. Even if you aren’t sure about whether you’re good enough. Contact us. We welcome the DIY folks, the amateur who loves this medium and might need a little editing or advice, the disillusioned old-timer who wants something a bit more loose and “open range” like in the old days, or anyone who just wants to make the cool shit they want to make—even if it won’t be the next big IP.
We always have a seat at the bar waiting for you.
Rant over with..