Editorial: Eisenhower Matrix and Creativity?
Welcome back, fellow neckbeards, fanboys of all genders, hoity-toity genre aficionados, and general social malcontents. ‘Tis I, your facilitator of the fictitious funk and moderator of your modern pulp, Chauncey. This month, I’ve been thinking about growing the magazine.
Growing a magazine comes with a few challenges, like a plan you follow, the time to execute it, getting the content, getting the readers, getting the money, throwing a brick through the windows of your competitors, slowly driving down wages so that you can get rich, and eventually dying knowing that you had conquered all that the world had shown you.
But to be honest, it’s hard to get to the phase of subjugating the masses when the first two steps constantly elude you.
A plan you follow. Sure, the plan is to put out the mag, and we do that. But a plan isn’t just doing the thing; it’s doing the thing with purpose. In our case, the purpose is growth. So a plan for us should entail publishing the magazine with an eye on making it better and better and better. Unfortunately, we are lacking that foresight and planning ability.
One reason we are lacking that foresight and planning ability is having the time to execute said plan. The two of these work in conjunction. You have to have time to execute the plan; you have to have a plan to refine; then you have to have the time to refine the plan; and so on into perpetuity.
It’s an odd place to be. For my work, I do this somewhat naturally. I create checklists, work off them, and refine them in between. But in a world of creativity, I find it difficult to do so. Should I apply the Eisenhower Matrix to my creative life? Can that even be done? Is it still a creative life if you do
Either way, we could use your help. Interested in helping out with everything from scheduling to creating content, from reading stories to anything else that’s fun? Reach out to us at ScreamingEyePress.com!
Not interested? Keep reading. That helps, because a few things I know for sure are that I ain’t quitting and we ain’t stopping. You’ve been warned.