Ten Questions For Jackie Ayers
Jackie is a mom, actress, singer, dancer, and voice actress for NaRaDa Radio Company.
What inspired you to be an actress and singer?
My inspiration came from my grandma, who had a love for music and film. Our favorites to watch were all the Julie Andrews movies as well as anything with John Wayne. Over the years I grew to love acting more through school productions and reading classes where they suggested we read with character voices.
Were you always a fan of audio dramas, old time radio plays?
Growing up I liked them since we listened to a few when we would visit my grandparents house, but it wasn’t until Junior High when we read a script from one about a lighthouse keeper. From that moment on I was hooked.
Would you move to those creative avenues? direct stage shows? create plays/audio?
Back in 2016 I actually directed my first stage show, Treasure Island!! I was supposed to only be the AD, but the original Director backed out due to scheduling conflicts. I was bumped up a mere 3 hours before final auditions. Thankfully my best friend was my stage manager, so that day went by smoothly. The show was wonderful and we have a perfect cast!! We have an awards night for our shows and I won best Director that year!!! 10/10 would direct again.
Do you think your environment, where you live, has an effect on type of art you pro- duce?
Honestly, I live in an environment where I can basically do whatever art I want to. You could say I have a free soul.
Which category of your art comes natural?
Voices and singing comes naturally. I sing daily and randomly too. You can say a phrase and it will remind me of a song… then I will HAVE to at least sing that phrase. Voices are fun especially when my daughter and I use different accents and voices daily.
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Is it easier for you to create if given an assignment or does it get in the way of your creativity?
If I am given an assignment, then I know the intended outcome. It is easier for me stress wise to have a goal. For example, I was part of a short film a few years ago that did NOT have a script. I got to the location and the guy was like, “ok this is the scenario.” I was stressed for a few minutes since I had never met this guy before and didn’t know his style. I was quickly able to pull out my ad-libbing and get the shots we needed.
What long term goals do you have?
I have always wanted to be a voice actress… singer would be a plus, but being a character is my all-time favorite thing. I definitely want to voice act more.
What is piece of art are you most proud of?
Being Frenchy in Grease!! I had so many complements during that run on my voice and how I sounded JUST like her.
What was the oddest thing you’ve ever been asked to create? (voiceover, costume, or writing).
I honestly have not made anything odd yet… everything is great in my mind.

What projects are working on now?
I have several projects in the works… reading short stories and being a hostess for a series. As well as a regular in my local radio company.