No one expected it to return, but that's what makes it so terrifying. It sneaks up under the seat when your riding the bus, in lurks on the waiting room table of your weird-ass dentist, it hides in that magazine rack you inherited from mee-maw, it sneaks up on you when your sitting on the toilet at a friends house, ITS TWISTED PULP MAGAZINE! That's right were back and we brought with us the usual suspects of miasmic malcontents and bohemian bourgeoisie to deliver the best dang pulp magazine the good lord would allow. An interview with acclaimed science fiction and fantasy author, Michael Swanwick is bound to impress ya, but add on an interview with Herman Louw of Into the Weird and The Longbox of Darkness and now I know yer motor's a running. Round that out with pinups Stylish Irish, Amber Immoral, Sugar Demise, and Lady Jane, comics and cartoons, a story from Thomas Malafarina and more, and that makes one freaking spicy meatball of a magazine.
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